As a company that specializes in earthquake protection, we have become distinctly aware that a new market is forming in Oklahoma. As scientists continue to argue whether we’ve entered the Anthropocene, we’re facing the realities of man-made geological hazards. For the first time we are having conversations about protecting buildings, not from nature, but from humanity, it’s worrisome and unsettling. As companies continue to pump wastewater into the more than 4000 wells in Oklahoma, the risks continue to increase. The state has ordered 37 wells closed, which is a step in the right direction but not nearly enough.
Seismic Dampers, isolators and other earthquake protection technologies bear witness to humanity’s respect of nature. They are technological advancements that were developed due to the loss of human life over our millennia of history. As we finally have technologies to protect us, we also have the technology to produce these devastating forces of nature. Let’s use technology responsibly. Just because we can get energy from fracking doesn’t mean that we should.
Let’s all take a cue from the recent earthquake in Oklahoma, maybe the risk isn’t worth the reward.